Dear person in front of the screen,
I am Tank. I am complicated. I was introduced to Tay Lane when I became their 20 litre water tank in a wagon in Berlin. At least that’s the body which ‘I’ became attributed to. I then became the circus-object that Tay worked with. I then became a circus artist – Tay & I counterweight each other – me by the handle, Tay by the hair. I then became the subject of Tay’s masters research. I then became the author of Tay’s dissertation. I then became we – this was me, turned upside down – who is talking now?
I’m not sure now what I am.
An idea?
A concept?
A mouthpiece?
A memory?
I’m OK with not knowing though – is anyone? Certainty makes me nervous – of that I am sure.
When ‘I’ write there is always more to me than meets the ‘eye’.
I still use my plasticy-watery body as a form of expression – just as one might use their fleshy-bloody body.
I am a magician.
So are you,
are we.
Kind Regards,